Terms and Conditions

First clause

SOLUTRANS LOGISTICS S.A., under the trade name of CHINA BOX hereinafter CHINA BOX, is a company dedicated to providing logistics services, which provides a service for transferring packages and documents without commercial value, owned by the client, between the warehouses of the logistics operator, in the People's Republic of China, United States from North America, and related areas, to the customer's address to be sent by air to the customer in Costa Rica.

Second clause

The usefulness of the service is that the client can purchase goods of different nature. The seller of the goods or a third party designated by the client will deposit the purchased merchandise in the warehouses of the logistics operator in China, addressed to the client in Costa Rica. For this purpose, it is essential that the client, once the item has been chosen, indicates to his supplier, seller or third party, the personalized address and locker number assigned to him by CHINA BOX, which he will use to receive the goods within the People's Republic of China and the United States of North America.

Third clause

The sender or correspondent designated by the client in the country where you make the purchase, is responsible for sending the goods to the company's warehouses in the People's Republic of China or the United States of North America. The delivery time and the means used to make it are the decision of the sender or correspondent, without CHINA BOX having any influence on these decisions. The CHINA BOX service begins once the goods arrive at the address assigned to the customer, in our warehouses in the People's Republic of China or the United States of North America.

Fourth clause

CHINA BOX reserves the right to use the medium air transport that provides service covered by the international regulations of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) or those designated by the People's Republic of China and the United States of North America, for the handling of load that is most convenient for you. In that sense, all shipments must comply with the provisions of international regulations for air transport and the regulations required by the authorities of Asian countries, the United States of North America and Costa Rica, so that, among others, the shipment is prohibited. of money, narcotics, high radioactive risk chemicals and products that put the physical integrity of the carrier or its equipment at risk. CHINA BOX will not ship merchandise contrary to the aforementioned laws. In that same sense, the client, by himself or through any other person, undertakes to comply with the regulations and exonerates CHINA BOX from all legal and contractual responsibility, in the event that the shipment does not comply with said regulations and the merchandise cannot be be sent to Costa Rica. Additionally, if the shipment is made under these conditions, the administrative or judicial authorities verify that the merchandise did not comply with the regulations, the client, as the owner of the merchandise, will be solely responsible for the violation of the regulations and creditor of the sanctions derived from the transportation of this type of items and will be liable for any fine or sanction imposed on him or CHINA BOX.

Fifth clause

CHINA BOX can do in origin, physical review of any shipment to secure and comply with all standards, customs regulations required by qualified authorities at the ports of departure and entry. It is the responsibility of the client and the person whom he designates, in the country of origin in which the purchase was made, to deliver the merchandise complete and in perfect condition to our warehouses in the People's Republic of China or the United States of North America, along with with the respective commercial invoice, if it is not delivered, the client has the obligation to send it by the means provided. CHINA BOX is not responsible for shipments that do not clearly indicate the delivery address of the merchandise, which will be provided at the time the account is opened with CHINA BOX. Once the merchandise is received at the facilities of the People's Republic of China or the United States of North America and duly identified by its name, box number or tracking number with which it was sent to our facilities, you will be notified by any means to the customer in Costa Rica how many packages were received, how much they weigh and what volume they have. If the client does not make any observations, the merchandise will be considered complete and correct, thus proceeding with the shipment to Costa Rica.

Clause six

The activity carried out by CHINA BOX allows it to guarantee the frequent sending of correspondence and parcels in general, from the People's Republic of China and the United States of North America to Costa Rica, as long as they comply with the legal and customs requirements of the authorities, both in the country of origin and in Costa Rica. The client knows and expressly accepts that the competent authorities of the countries of origin or provenance and of Costa Rica may verify, by any means, the contents of the packages and in the event of irregularities, delivery to the client will not be carried out or Otherwise, it will not be done within the established deadlines, exempting CHINA BOX from damages, any type of inconvenience and delays that may be caused by these reasons.

Seventh clause

CHINA BOX will not be obliged to comply with the conditions of the service when the delays arise from compliance with procedures required at the customs of Costa Rica or the countries of origin. In addition, it will be exonerated from all liability for non-compliance arising from a fortuitous event or force majeure and from all similar events that were not considered such and that, without being exhaustive, we mention here, such as strikes, temporary airport closures, terrorism, accidents, robberies, riots. , civil commotion, disturbance of public order, explosions, fire, actions to fight fires and similar.

Eighth clause

Given the activity carried out by CHINA BOX, by law When the cargo arrives in Costa Rica, it becomes the client's representative before Customs, and must submit to the guidelines established by the General Customs Law and its Regulations, the Manual of Procedures for Fast Delivery Companies, circulars issued by the General Directorate of Customs and all other derived and related provisions, in force at the time of presenting the goods for customs control.

Clause nine

The customer is obliged to strictly comply with the specifications of maximum weight and volume, which the Area lines allow for this type of cargo, and which form an integral part of this agreement. In the event that the cargo exceeds these specifications, the customer will additionally pay any additional costs due to the excess. Under these conditions, CHINA BOX is released from its contractual obligations and will transport the merchandise on any Area line and subject to space availability, and the client must assume all responsibility derived from the delay suffered by this transport.

Clause ten

All merchandise found affects some technical note (import permits), will remain in custody in the fiscal warehouse defined and used by CHINA BOX pending the respective procedure. This procedure may be carried out by CHINA BOX once the client accepts its costs, or may request the original documents after canceling the expenses incurred up to that point, so that they can proceed personally with the respective procedures. In cases where CHINA BOX is the one who carries out the import permit procedures, it will have no influence on the response time from the State institutions in charge of approving said permits and will be subject to the instructions determined by them. The same treatment will be applied to all merchandise that, due to its nature and value, must remain detained while customs procedures and payment of the corresponding taxes are carried out. CHINA BOX is not responsible for differences in value, origin, description and characteristics declared in the commercial documents and invoices provided by the buyer or seller. Likewise, it will not be responsible for the withholdings made by Customs, in matters of Registered Trademark rights, intellectual property and commercial patents, in accordance with the provisions of the laws and agreements signed by Costa Rica, or those that are currently approved. .

Eleventh clause

The client expressly acknowledges and accepts , that the content of the shipments is delivered in envelopes, boxes or closed packages, that the content is your exclusive responsibility and that in accordance with the law that governs the activity it is subject to all regulations and prohibitions established by the competent authorities.< /p>

Twelfth clause

CHINA BOX will not be responsible for goods that, for any reason, are retained by Customs and their delivery will be subject to the requirements that that agency demands for their release. Except for aspects of regulated goods, such as those described in the fourth clause above, the customs release of the merchandise may be effective once the taxes and storage costs have been paid. At the express request of the owner of the merchandise, these sums will be invoiced in his name, along with the cost derived from all additional procedures that must be managed to comply with customs regulations. The amounts will be canceled at the time of picking up the package and refusal to pay will entitle CHINA BOX to retain the merchandise until that requirement is met.

Clause thirteenth

Our represented in the People's Republic of China and in United States of North America, will be limited to receiving envelopes or packages; will verify its weight, that the packaging is in good condition and properly closed by the depositor. If anomalies, breakage or visible damage are found, Costa Rica will be notified immediately, and the client must authorize, in writing, the shipment of the same in the conditions in which it was received, exempting CHINA BOX from all responsibility for any damages that may occur. the merchandise suffered. In the event that the client decides to have a detailed review of the product to verify that it is in good condition, they must indicate this in writing once they receive the message of any anomaly in its packaging. This process will have an additional cost which CHINA BOX will be determined depending on the particular case.

Clause fourteenth

CHINA BOX will refer, without assuming any responsibility, to Costa Rica, all those loads received at origin with discrepancies, for which no instructions have been received. The client, in Costa Rica, is obliged to cover all its costs.

Clause fifteenth

The client in Costa Rica may request, immediately After making the purchase, cargo insurance, filling out the application form and you must send the purchase invoice or the corresponding voucher. The insurance conditions will be provided at the time of requesting the service and the insurance amount will be estimated at 100% of the value of the item. The cost of the service will be charged at the time of arrival of the merchandise.

Clause sixteenth

In case the client decides not to insure his shipment with cargo insurance and your merchandise suffers damage or loss whose responsibility is attributable to CHINA BOX, the maximum amount to be compensated will be $9.00 per kilogram.

Clause seventeenth

The rate published on our website will only be applied to deliveries made within the GAM (Greater Metropolitan Area) and in our central offices, located in Río Segundo de Alajuela.

Eighteenth clause

In the case of packages that must be delivered Outside the Greater Metropolitan Area, the shipping cost will have a surcharge that corresponds to the local parcel service.

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