FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What does the mailbox cost?
The mailbox is completely free, you do not have to pay registration or monthly/annual payment, etc. It's free even if you don't use it.

How is the mailbox created?
Too easy. Once you are on our website www.chinaboxcr.com, go to the "sign up" option, enter your personal information and that's it; You will soon receive an email with the information to enter your account and use the two lockers -USA and China-.

What is my mailbox number?
In the email that is sent to you when you create the account, some information is indicated such as: "account", "email" and "password". The information indicated to the right of "account" is your mailbox number. You can also see it when you log in to your account. It is indicated as follows CRxxxx.

Where do I put my mailbox number?
It must be entered when providing your supplier with the destination information of the package. We recommend that you put it before your name or in the address. Example "CRxxxx Casimiro Sánchez Potro".

What are the freight rates?
You can verify our Rates in the Rate options, where they are kept up to date and indicating any changes. You can check rates from China to Costa Rica and from Miami to Costa Rica.

Do you only charge freight?
Freight is only one of the items, you must also take into account the amount of taxes, customs handling and shipping within CR (zone and schedule restrictions apply).

How much are the taxes?
This item depends on the product, everyone pays a different tax percentage. If you would like to know the specific tariff for a product, you can send us the information to info@chinaboxcr.com.

Do all packages pay taxes?
Yes, all products/packages pay taxes without exception as stipulated by the General Customs Law.

How long does the package take to arrive in Costa Rica?
Once the merchandise enters our warehouses in China, we are offering an estimated time of 8 business days and 3-5 days business days in US, to deliver the package to the address you indicated when creating your account (area and time restrictions apply). Packages are put on route once the invoice is cleared.

How long does it take for packages to arrive at our warehouses in China?
That depends on your supplier, we advise you to ask them for the estimated delivery time..

How do I make a quote?
You can send us an email to info@chinaboxcr.com, a WhatsApp message to (+506)8441-6738 or contact us at the telephone center at (+506)2482-4080 indicating the weight, price and description or the link of the product to matter.

How do I know how much it will cost me?
If you want to know the approximate amount to pay when the package arrives in CR, you can send us a message with the details of the product and we will soon provide you with a quote.

Can you group my packages so that they all arrive together?
Packages are processed the moment they are received to avoid loss, for this reason the consolidation process cannot be carried out.

What address do I enter when I make a purchase?
The address you must enter is the one provided on our website. If you are purchasing from the United States, you must enter the address of the Miami mailbox. If the purchases are made in China or any part of Asia, you must enter the address of our mailbox in Hong Kong (in the case of Wish it would be the USA and AliEpress would be China).

Does the order of the address matter?
It is extremely important that when you enter the address on the supplier's page where you are going to make the purchase, you put it exactly the same as it appears on our website and you must include the two lines of the address. In the case of the Hong Kong locker, it must go in the following order: 1) Room A, 11/F Effort Industrial Building. 2) 2-8 Kung Yip Street, Kwai Chung, N.T.

How do you know where to take my package?
We rely on the address you registered when entering your personal data. You can modify it directly in your profile if you wish.

Where are you located in CR?
Adjacent to Almacén Tical in Río Segundo de Alajuela. Tel: 2482-4080

Can ChinaBox buy me what I want?
Of course, in that case you send us the link of the product you want, we make the quote, you authorize us and come to our offices to make the payment for the product or it can be by bank transfer to proceed with the purchase. Then, when the package arrives in CR, you are contacted to make the payment of the pending items, which would be freight, taxes, customs handling and shipping within CR (zone and schedule restrictions apply).

What stores can I use?
You can use any store as long as they ship the products to Hong Kong. On our website -www.chinaboxcr.com- you can find some pages that we suggest.

I have already made the purchase, what should I do?
The next thing is to wait for the supplier to deliver the package to our warehouses in Hong Kong. At that moment the customer is notified that the package has already entered the warehouses. Then when the package arrives in CR, the nationalization of the product and its respective procedures are carried out. Once the customs process is completed, the customer is contacted to inform them of the amount to be paid, once the invoice is paid, delivery proceeds.

When do I pay yours and how?
The product is paid for when it arrives in CR. The payment methods are: automatic charge, bank transfer, deposit, SINPE Móvil at 8441-6738 or paying directly at our offices in cash.

Can I pick up the package at your warehouses?
Of course, you just have to inform us that you want it so to coordinate the time, please call the telephone center (+506)2482-4080 or by email info@chinaboxcr.com. If you are not the owner of the account, prior authorization must be sent through the communication channels for delivery protection purposes.

What does shipping cost to my house?
If we take it to your house within the GAM, we charge 1000 colones and outside the GAM we charge 1000 plus the cost of the order (zone and schedule restrictions apply).

How do I know when my package has arrived?
When the package enters our warehouses in Hong Kong, US or Costa Rica, a notification is sent via email. In the case of the notification for the package in Hong Kong, it indicates that it has already been received at origin. In the case of the statement from Costa Rica, the email indicates that it is ready for delivery and the total amount to be paid.

Does ChinaBox process permits?
Yes of course. We are in charge of carrying out that procedure. The value of each permit is $25.

What products need permission?
If you like, you can enter our website to the "services" option, then "Import permits" and there you will find a detailed list of products that require permits.

Do I have to pre-alert all packages?
The pre-alert is the customer's decision and whether it is done with all packages or not. The benefits of doing so are greater speed and security when the package arrives at our warehouses since it arrives directly to your mailbox. The pre-alert is necessary for tax reporting purposes according to acquisition value.

Do they apply the FTA with China?
If the client wishes to apply the FTA with China, they must ask the supplier to complete the paperwork, send it to us and we review it previously since it must meet all the requirements that Customs requests.