For those companies, wholesale buyers or customers in general who need to bring loads with a weight or volume much greater than usual and which, due to their value or nature of the merchandise, do not fall under the category of Parcels or Documents, we offer an integrated service. in which we provide you with professional advice for each import you require.

Benefits of ChinaBox


With a high degree of efficiency in shipping, we have delivery times that adapt to your needs when you make an online purchase.

Fast service

Due to our experience and the locations of our offices in China, Hong Kong and the USA, we can offer you speed in your imports.


Our experience for more than 10 years in the market and our extensive knowledge of customs matters enable us to offer you an excellent service for each of your packages.

Why ChinaBox?

  1. You get free mailbox in China and the USA
  2. Safe purchases and in less time
  3. More than 17 years of experience
  4. Reliable service
  5. Home delivery
  6. Package tracking
  7. Integrated services
  8. Free advice
  9. Offices in Costa Rica and China
CALL US +506 2482-4080

ChinaBox, courier and transportation service from China or US

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